Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Local Flora


Oklahoma proves to be more nurturing than one might anticipate.  When left unattended, the onslaught of a wet hot oklahoma summer inspires weeds, wildflowers, and ivy to engulf the landscape.  Strange plants do well here, too, such as bamboo, bananas, and cannabis, our state's number one cash crop and largest export. 
Working natural magic in this place has yeilded descent results.  Datura, moonflower, was purported to have been applied in a poultice by medeival witches to the ends of broomsticks used for masturbatory hallucinogenic projects.  This weed grows in spiky abundance in midtown Tulsa, I am cautiously and curiously approaching the idea of experimenting with it.  As with other tools, plants that harken to ancient times and uses are most easily recognized by ancient entities.  Clover, lavender, pine, sweetgrass, and sage all grow well here.  I do like to integrate other local elements as well, such as thistle, honeysuckle, squash and corn.

Poppy Mallow 

Protection charm done on the house before we moved in, made of yard debris

Crepe Myrtle

Steer Head Altar
Papillon De Nuit


Beastly wild clover, enormous sharp blossoms and striated leaves that have evolved into a more elongated form.

More mystery pods

Wysteria Season really does perfume the central areas of Tulsa in the Spring.

Fairy gondolas

Wild Strawberry

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